domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012


By now, it's my 3rd week at High School, and I must say i´m pretty happy of how i´ve been doing, although i´m still adapting to this new system, like I said in the last posts, it´s a quite hard process, and i´m afraid of all the projects our teachers have tasked for us; i´m just waiting for the partials, i´´m really eating my nails to know how i´ll go.

The people is sociable, but there are TOO MANY students, i´d really like to meet them all and get on with them, but socializing with 3,000 students won´t be as easy as managing my tasks all along.
I really need to make-up my mind if I want to get through this, I really wanted to be here, but now it seems so hard, all this projects -.-

"Do I have the strength, to know how I'll go? Can I find it inside to deal with what I shouldn't know?... (8)"

sábado, 18 de agosto de 2012


Hi everyone again! Well this time i've thought how will I develop in this new schoool, hoping to have nice grades (I REALLY have to get them, because if I don´t i'll loose my Scholarship :'( ), and I think that now the real deal is starting, this week was a little heavy, and i'll have to accustom to this, I mean I just got started and I got like 3 exams this week :$. Whatever, even because of those things I wanted this school, I wanted a challenge worth for me, and this is the one; i've been begging for a higher level and a speedy development, and i'm sure i'll find that at TEC CEM...

"Deshi, Deshi, Basara, Basara..."

martes, 14 de agosto de 2012


I couldn´t expect better from this new experience i´m living at TEC, i'm really proud and happy because at all, I made it to be one of the many students at this great Hig School, i´ve made good friends and i´m still adapting to this new way to gain knowledge. In fact, what I love the most is the classes in English and the learning of a 3rd language (German), it´s a new challenge for me, but I hope it´ll be relaxed....